
48sx is an emulator of the HP48sx, a vintage RPN calculator.

48sx: The HP48 SX Emulator!

The HP48 SX is a vintage RPN calculator that many of us remember with fondness. I used this calculator 30 years ago and fell in love with it. Now, I can carry it in my pocket every day!

The HP48 SX emulator for Android is available on the Play Store and GitHub. The bundled ROM is free for non-commercial use. No nags, no ads, and completely FREE!

- Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.czo.droid48sx

- Releases apk: https://github.com/czodroid/droid48sx/releases

- Sources code: https://github.com/czodroid/droid48sx

48sx is a modified version of droid48, specifically tailored for the HP48 SX. Credit goes to Arnaud Brochard (author of droid48 for Android) and Eddie C. Dost (author of x48 for UNIX), who created an emulator of the Saturn processor in 1990.



* 15 Aug 2024 (Version 14.1.28728418)

- Bug fixes and performance improvements

- Intended to work from Android 5 to 14 on armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64 architectures

- In recent versions of Android, you must grant the 'Photos and Videos' permission for 'Load object on stack' and 'Save/Restore checkpoint ZIP' to function properly. The file must be located in the Download folder and have a '.png' extension.

* 11 Feb 2024 (Version 13.1.28459983)

- Bug fixes and performance improvements

- Intended to work from Android 4.4 to 13 on armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64 architectures

- On Android 13 (API 33), you must grant the 'Photos and Videos' permission for 'Load object on stack' and 'Save/Restore checkpoint ZIP' to function properly. The file must be located in the Download folder and have a '.png' extension.

* 26 Aug 2023 (Version 2.42.28217746)

- Bug fixes and performance improvements

- Intended to work from Android 4.4 to 13 on armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64 architectures

- New name for checkpoint ZIP: Download/48sx_cp_$DATE.zip

- New SVG icon for Android above Oreo (Android 8, API >= 26)

* 10 Jul 2022 (Version 2.42.27624074)

- Bug fixes and performance improvements

- Intended to work from Android 4.4 to 12 on armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64 architectures

- Fixed the "Large LCD" option in the settings, and replaced it with "HP48 LCD" to get full pixels

- The HP48's LCD screen has now a maximum width on your device, but you can set "HP48 LCD" in the settings get full pixels

* 4 June 2022 (Version 2.42.27573940)

- Bug fixes and performance improvements

- Intended to work from Android 4.4 to 12 on armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64 architectures

- Haptic feedback enabled by default, but can be disabled on settings

- New menu: 'Save checkpoint ZIP As...' : save the current checkpoint in a zipped file (in Download/checkpoint_$DATE.zip). This zip file must contain the files ('hp48', 'rom', 'ram' and maybe 'port1' or 'port2')

- New menu: 'Restore checkpoint ZIP' : restore from a zipped checkpoint.zip (that you choose)

- Permissions on "Choose File" works on some Android 11 and 12, depending on the brand. This will be my next update...

- When the action bar is enabled, pressing an hp48 button disables it again

- Checkpoint is saved at the first startup and new functions to load a stuck HP48

- New shortcuts, one for full reset, and another to restore from a checkpoint when the emulator is stuck

What's New in the Latest Version v14.1

Last updated on Aug 17, 2024 - Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Intended to work from Android 5 to 14 on armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64 architectures
- In recent versions of Android, you must grant the 'Photos and Videos' permission for 'Load object on stack' and 'Save/Restore checkpoint ZIP' to function properly. The file must be located in the Download folder and have a '.png' extension.

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