An informed motorist is worth two: dangers, accidents, ... Abonenteur!
This version is depreciated for the benefit of our new Abeauto application
→ New infographic, → 3D card, → widget to see Abeauto and Google Navigation (or another navigation tool) at the same time, → Addition of permanent radar in addition to temporary ...
For people lost their seniority, please use the contact form of our site to ask us for a synchro between your old account and the new:
Abonenteur (ABE) is a free driving aid tool, really free. His adventure started four years ago with a few dozen enthusiasts who wanted to build a community of motorists. Little by little the community has grown to now reach tens of thousands of users (the application has already been downloaded more than 900,000 times).
Abonenteur informs you:
- Road dangers
- danger risks
- dangerous crossroads
- traffic jams
- accidents
- construction sites
- nearby users
Our slogan: Together we will do it better.
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