Beam beta is your ultimate company
BeamBeta , the all-in-one mobility app, is the first laboratory project of the Neumo Lab. Neumo and the Vienna Stadtwerke want to work together with future users on the urban mobility assistants of the future.
The experiences and results from the research project Smile ( for networked mobility have already been incorporated into Beambeta. Now, together with the users, new interesting content and partners are to be recorded and tested before they become an urban mobility standard in large implementation projects. The result is BeamBeta , your daily companion, who never stops.
The BeamBeta app - what is it?
Whether you spontaneously book a mobility offer near you or put together your optimal route from A to B with just a few clicks, the BeamBeta app is just the thing for you.
Personalize the BEAM BETA app by stinging time tickets, memberships or discounts in your profile or planning your trip very consciously and according to your current needs: Decide whether you want to be led quickly, ecologically or cheaply to your goal and compare it to your private car.
BeamBeta mobility and routing partner:
The BeamBeta mobility and routing partners are an important part of our services. The mobility partners (Wiener Linien, Wipark, Citybike, Car2Go, Drivenow, Taxi31300) mainly work in Vienna are continuously expanded to include partners in the surrounding area (e.g. Graz Bike, Nextbike, Linz Linien). Thanks to our routing partner Vao, Beam Beta informs you in any case throughout Austria about your optimal route and descents near you.
The app is developed for Android smartphones from version 4.1. Further information on BeamBeta can be found at www. BeamBeta .at.
DANGER! The BeamBeta app is a laboratory project:
Based on the experiences, wishes and ideas of the BeamBeta users as well as contributions from our technology and mobility partners, BeamBeta is continuously developed. New features in the mobility area can be easily researched in BeamBeta . With their ideas and feedback, BeamBeta users make a valuable and active contribution to the future of mobility!
Do you have feedback on the app or you need help: Contact the BeamBeta -Support at 0800 510 888 or Support@ BeamBeta .at.
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