  • Bikin Aplikasi Web Viewer

    Bikin Aplikasi Web Viewer

    8.6 2024-12-27

Create application android (apk) directly from your phone without coding and FREE!

Make an Application can create an android application (apk) in the form of a web viewer, namely to display the Web, Blog, Online Store, and other webs. Applications are made directly from the cellphone without the need for a computer and the internet. Applications that are made can be directly installed or shared with friends. Create an android application to display your website now! It's easy, fast, free, and ready to go!


- No coding, no need to understand programming languages ​​or algorithms.

- Without a computer, everything is done with your cellphone.

- No Internet, no need to upload or download data.

- Without being complicated, the apk file is immediately ready and can be installed immediately.

- Can post ad code in the application!

Urgent :

- The application cannot be used on ROOTED android devices

- Application in the form of WEB VIEWER which functions to display the website only. Therefore, don't download this application if you don't have a website to display

- Make Applications CANNOT be used to create websites, create domains, or create games

- If the application crashes when opening, make sure the website address entered is correct and accessible

- In order for it to be downloaded by other users, please upload it via Dropbox, Mediafire, Google Drive and others

- BIKIN APPLICATIONS are not responsible for application content and / or misuse of applications made using the BIKIN APPLICATION application.

- If you have problems, please contact [email protected]


Email: [email protected]

Facebook: http://fb.com/bikinaplikasicom

Instagram: @bikinaplikasi

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Feb 1, 2021 Lakukan Edit Aplikasi atau buat ulang dengan alamat yang sama untuk mendapatkan pembaruan ya!

- Pembenahan deeplink ke aplikasi lain
- Opsi nonaktifkan swipe to refresh
- Pembenahan webview
- Mengirim notifikasi ke aplikasi menggunakan OneSignal
- Sematkan kode iklan di aplikasi yang dibuat
- Bebas menentukan nama paket aplikasi
- Penambahan beberapa permission untuk fungsi website tertentu
- Pembenahan rotasi
- Pembaruan SDK
- Penambahan versi

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