Simple calendar for birthdays and anniversaries — 100% free.
With Upcoming, you will never forget any of your friends' or family's birthdays again.
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Easy to use and reliable:
Upcoming does what you want — and nothing else. Birthdays will be synchronized with your contacts list. And, of course, you can also enter them manually.
Advanced features:
Choose to be reminded any number of days in advance, or on the birthday itself. You'll always know which day of the week your friends' anniversary, wedding day, birthday or countdown is — and how many days are left until that date.
Import all your friends' birthdays from Facebook within seconds. Having all these events in Upcoming puts your reminders on a whole new level of usefulness. So don't forget to synchronize your list with Facebook. This can be done when setting up the app for the first time. And you can also add Facebook at any later point, of course.
Better than your normal calendar:
In your normal calendar app, it's easy to lose track of events like birthdays due to all the other appointments and entries. Upcoming simplifies everything — and lets you manage recurring events comfortably.
Manage all your important events with Upcoming. No matter if it's birthdays, anniversaries, wedding days, countdowns or other reminders. You'll see how simple it is.
• Read and write contacts: for displaying and editing birthdays and anniversaries from your address book
• Internet access: for synchronization of events across devices and importing backups (both optional)
• USB storage: for importing and exporting all events on the external storage
• Run at startup: for setting up the reminders for birthdays and other events again after your device has been restarted
Privacy Policy:
Your personal data is 100% safe. Promise! Any personally identifiable information will only be transferred from your device if you explicitly ask for it, i.e. when you import birthdays, wedding days, countdowns and anniversaries from an online service or sync your list between devices.
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