Bluetooth Chatting, Chat without internet, Offline Chat, Bluetooth Messaging
GChat - Bluetooth Chat or Terminal Emulator for Bluetooth communication. It enables the Android gadgets to join with any remote Bluetooth gadgets supporting Serial Port Profile and to trade information with them. chat without the internet.
It can join with the remote gadget both as Bluetooth expert (like system customer) and as Bluetooth slave (like system server).
You don’t have 3G or 4G or cannot find wifi? With this application you can easily connect via Bluetooth to anyone nearby and start chatting !
This can be used to send short messages, images and videos over short distances. Now you can stay in touch with your friends without paying a single bucks. It enables free chatting. Messages are sent directly between devices.
It gives simple approaches to deal with the Bluetooth connector of the nearby gadget and to send control keys , interchange keys, capacity keys and other uncommon keys.
Don't have a internet connection nearby! No Problem ! Chat with your friends with the Free Best Chatting Android App through Bluetooth over short distance !
Features of Bluetooth Terminal:
* Manage Friends Devices.
* Save chat history
* Chat without the internet
* Smileys, Images
* Displays sent and received data
* Support Bluetooth Serial Port Profile, SPP
* It can design SENA Bluetooth serial gadgets through Bluetooth association.
* Send the data with CR/LF code
* Support 7 data bits transmission
* It can assume a part in Bluetooth ace and slave.
* It gives simple and different approaches to oversee Bluetooth connector of the neighborhood machine.
* Bluetooth Terminal is easy to use
* Video send feature coming soon
V2.4 Updates:
+ Photo sends feature added
We take a long time for this update because we don't want any trouble in current chat app because of image share feature. we don our best from our side.
But still you face any issue or crash regarding photo share then please send a crash report if any or if you face any issue regarding photo share then please drop a mail to [email protected]. we try to resolve this ASAP, Thank you :)
+ Message Sound, Background Notification
+ Bugs resolved
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