Calculate daily water consumption, Reminders, Balance water in your body
It’s a gift for your this summer to maintain and balance water in your body to keep you safe from dehydration problem in summer. In hot countries and even in cold countries in summer we need more water to drink and most of the time we forget to drink water while working or doing something in home, office, in journey and everywhere. Body fitness very necessary to be healthy so it’s your best partner to calculate your daily water consumption limit, give you reminder to drink water after a specific time when your body exactly need it, and with the History feature you can track your water consumption history for everyday time to time. Features:-> Calculate Daily Water consumption amount-> Calculate water consumption according to season-> Timely Reminders to Remind you about drink water-> History Feature to track your consumption-> Water Calculation in Milliliter and US Ounce-> Beautiful Graphics and Sound effects-> Many more that everyone wantsNote: This app is free of cost with advertisement supportRead more