
Social events network : Remind, share and spread your tasks or events in seconds

Cagoom is a to do list and a wallpaper events and tasks manager.

Create, share and spread your events or tasks and see it as reminder on your wallpaper screen and on the one of your friends.

You are organizing an event soon : Invite more people and to make sure that they come (it is a reminder app) on time (it is an agenda ) at the right place (it is linked to the navigation system)

You need help to organize your event ? Share the organizing tasks with your friends !

Cagoom - “Make your life easier”

Now there’s no need to remember all those things that you have to do, because Cagoom can do that for you! It’s quick and easy to use; you can set a task in the reminder list in few seconds. Never miss an event!

It has following key features

⚫ Create your profile standard or professional

⚫ Post your events or tasks

⚫ Follow and participate to your friends or club's events

⚫ Locate your friends

Event planners here the incredible key features !!

⚫ Create your professional profile in telling who you are

⚫ Create your community

⚫ Create event with date / time but also LOCATION

⚫ Share your events with video/audio or pictures among your community and social network

⚫ See who is coming to your event : Guest list

⚫ The day of the events, the screens of your attendees will change showing your event

And more !

When someone start following you, he will receive your event notification automatically !!!!

With Cagoom it is so easy and quick to set reminders.

⚫ Create event in particular date with start and end time.

⚫ Create a Group in seconds to send mass invitationa nd ask your friends to join your event.

⚫ Invite your Facebook friends

⚫ Add an event to your group's schedule.

⚫ Set one-off repeating event - daily/weekly/monthly/annually.

⚫ Attach the image of your event from the Camera or the Gallery.

⚫ Show event description on top of your wallpaper.

⚫ Add location to the event and you will be sure that your attendees get there !

⚫ Double tap on the screen to get to the event

⚫ Open navigation app when event has location information.

⚫ Share event with your friends in 2 clicks !

⚫ Get the list of the guests

No need to count the comments to figure out who's coming or not. We give you the list of participants.

Cagoom the only social app Reminder !

What's New in the Latest Version 1.6.2

Last updated on Dec 12, 2015 ★ Create your profile
★ Discover new people
★ Follow your friends or team events
★ Create and share tasks
★ Follow friends events
★ Send voice and video invitation
★ Send invitation to groups.
★ Sharing event via Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter
★ Better Geolocation
★ Schedule pick up
★ Friends nearby
★ Fixed bugs you helped us find

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