It can realize the view of the world of a Japanese fashion magazine and a brand.
【Service Termination Announcement】
Thank you very much for your continued support.
We are writing to you to announce our decision to terminate the cameran collage service at the end of April.
We sincerely apologize for the suddenness of this decision.
Going forward, you will still be able to continue using the app. However, in line with the termination of the service, the functionality below will be removed in stages.
We appreciate your kind understanding.
★Please make sure that you upgrade to the latest, offline version of the app, so that you can continue using it in the future.
1. The following functionality is planned for termination at the end of March.
■ The edit screen.
- The Coordiful edit screen.
- Items such as stamps, backgrounds, frames, etc.
- Re-editing of collages created using the edit screen.
*Photos can still be saved from the photo sharing screen using the [Share] button.
*Items, other than some of the ones downloaded up until now, may be used on this screen.
2. The final offline version of the app will be released in April. The following functionality will no longer be available:
■ The Coordiful edit screen will be changed to the cameran collage edit screen.
■ Links to social networks (Twitter/Facebook).
- Functionality for posting to Twitter/Facebook directly from the photo sharing screen.
■ Presents
- Presents functionality.
- The presents list screen.
We would like to thank you sincerely for all your continued support for cameran collage over the years.
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