Claseek is a free classifieds app, whose ads are also visible in
This is the Official app of website. Claseek is a free online classifieds portal for buying or selling vehicles, jobs, pets, clothes, gadgets, electronics and many more. Browse through thousands of ads worldwide. If you are an advertiser, you may reach tens of thousands of our growing website user community and soon to be app users. Otherwise, if you are simply looking for something to purchase, this app is also for you!
With this app, you can easily do things like:
- Browse through thousands of ads in 8 different countries plus a Global site
- Search by keywords or categories
- Register for free which is seen across all Claseek platforms (desktop, mobile, tablet, app)
- Post ads for free which will automatically appear in specific country
- Contact advertiser of any ad listing
- Reply to inquiries in your ad listings
- View or delete ads you have posted
- Contact advertiser via SMS or Call using your phone
Claseek is an online exchange (olx) for classifieds which is committed to provide you the best service you deserve. We have local classifieds in Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and United States, plus a global site for all other countries. Do contact us for any feedback via
What are you waiting for? Get this app NOW! :-)
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