Do you need more love in your relationship? What about some daily advises?
This app was made for everybody who loves a special person.
If you're trying to win a person you love back, but, for some reason, you lost her or him, so Daily love advices may help you!
If you're not trying to win someone back, maybe you're in the following situations:
You're interested in someone, but don't know what to do to win the beloved one?
Or you have a boyfriend or girlfriend and feel you could do something to improve your relationship?
Or you're married and believe you could do something to bring back the first moments passion?
This app will guide you everyday through guides made for winning or winning the loved one back. Different guides can be chosen, depending on your objectives.
Choose on of the following:
- Winning the beloved one back - this one is for everybody who wants to reconcile with the loved one, for people who wish to rebuild their marriage which seems to be lost, or yet people who feel the spouse don't love them anymore and wish to show how their spouses are important to them.
- Winning the loved one - for those people who are interested in some special person, but don't have any romantic involvement with him or her, friend or not.
- Improve dating - for couples that feel that the relationship is not going well or for those who wish to improve their relationships and don't know what to do.
- Bring more life to marriage - for married couples who love each other, but feel that routine is disturbing the relationship and wish to change the attitudes to bring the first moments passion back.
Win your loved one back! Win your loved one! Bring more life to your relationship! With Love everyday, your relationship will surely be improved!
- You can follow more than one guide at the same time
- Homescreen Widget with the day tips
- Tip time may be configured
- Different guides for men and women
- You can restart a currently running guide
Any doubts, feel free to email me anytime!
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