DataEye is the best way to save and manage your data & battery
DataEye helps reduce your mobile data and battery usage by letting you directly manage which apps can use your mobile data and preventing apps from background traffic that both consumes your mobile data and battery. App based data usage control means there is no more hidden fees or data-heavy background traffic. You enjoy the best mobile applications and websites with a peace-of-mind.
1) KNOW WHERE YOUR DATA GOES – You deserve to know how your data is used, so we let you control it on an app-by-app basis. This way you keep more of your mobile data and money.
2) EXTEND YOUR BATTERY LIFE – Unwanted background data drains your phone's battery. By putting you in charge of your data usage we significantly increase your phone’s battery life.
3) GO GLOBAL – Data doesn’t stay local, so we make it easy to manage your mobile data, even while roaming.
With DataEye, you can finally take charge of your mobile data usage!
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