The fastest, easiest way to find your device information.
Device Pedia :- The fastest, easiest way to find your device information.
In this app you can find everything under one roof.
This app also comes with a widget.
It provide Features like Device info, Network info, WiFi, Battery info, Location, Memory etc.
Main Features :-
* Swipe Gestures
* Device Info :- Gives you information about Boot loader, Radio Ver, Change List, Dpi, Imei No, Screen resolution etc.
* Network Info :- Turn data ON/OFF. It also gives information like Country, Operator Details and whether we are in roaming or not etc. We can open Network setting from the app itself.
* WiFi Info : - Turn WIFI ON/OFF. It also gives information about mac address, speed, signal strength, all Details of IP Address etc. we can directly open Ip setting and WiFi setting in just one touch.
* Battery :- It includes status,level, temperature, health of battery ,etc.We can Directly go to Battery screen. It also Gives Graphical Representation of Battery.
* Memory :- It gives detailed information of Internal Memory and Ram storage. From this we can go to app section which gives details of all the installed apps.
* Location :- Turn GPS ON/OFF. It gives latitude, longitude and your ADDRESS information. It allow you to go to Google Maps, which gives your current location. You can open location setting directly.
* Location - Which allows you to put your address on the home screen
[Note :- Radio Ver. Requires API 14+ and Serial No. Requires API 9+ If you are using this app on any API below these specifications then you will get "--"or "Unknown" for respective field]
*If you have any complaint/suggestion please leave us a mail instead of commenting here and giving bad rating. That would really help us, to help you.
E-mail: [email protected]
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