Children Muslim prayer everyday. By reading Arabic, Latin, translation, and Audio.
Muslim Children's Prayer is an application that contains daily children's prayers, complete with Arabic, Latin, translation and audio readings, to make it easier for users, especially children/teenagers and parents who want to teach their children, to learn daily children's prayers. However, it can still be used by adults who want to learn to memorize daily prayers.
This Muslim Children's Prayer application is made in a simple, clean and attractive way. So it can increase interest in learning and help make it easier for users who want to learn to memorize daily prayers.
Feature :
- Complete daily children's prayers.
- Prayers include Arabic, Latin and translation readings.
- Audio Readings read by children.
Other features and data will be added at a later date.
Prayers contained in this application:
- Prayer for Both Parents
- Prayer Before Eating
- Prayer After Eating
- Prayer Before Sleeping
- Wake Up Prayer
- Prayer to Enter the Bathroom
- Prayer for Exiting the Bathroom
- Heart Opening Prayer
- Prayer Before Studying
- Prayer After Studying
- Prayer for Wearing Clothes
- Prayer for Taking Off Clothes
- Prayer When Looking in the Mirror
- Prayer for Combing Hair
- Prayer When Sneezing
- Prayer to Enter the House
- Prayer for Leaving the House
- Prayer for Riding a Vehicle
- Prayer to enter the mosque
- Prayer to leave the mosque
- Prayer Before Wudhu
- Wudhu intention
- Prayer After Wudhu
- Prayer for Goodness in the Hereafter
- Prayer When It Rains
- Prayer When There is Lightning
- Prayer when the wind is strong
Hopefully this application is useful for us in studying daily prayers.
Thank You.
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