Everything about my health! Try to Collect All efil Management!
What is efil ?
This is a personal health record management application that can be integrated by collecting medical records and various health records of individual health measures.
Why efil ?
Our bodies are being stimulated every day and have various activities. All symptoms and reactions in the body are the result of these stimuli and activities. From large and small diseases to allergies and chronic diseases, various reactions in our bodies are followed by tracking management.
Health values generated through various records and health measuring devices that occur when receiving medical services such as medical records, medicine prescriptions, tests, vaccinations, procedures and treatment are valuable information that contains individual health history. If you record and store these health information in ' efil ' in my smartphone, you can deliver your personal health history at a glance when you visit an emergency or a hospital.
Collect all these records in ' efil ' to easily and easily manage your health!
What information can you record in efil ?
Health record
Various health information from everyday life can be stored and integrated and managed in the form of a life log.
Allergies - Allergies, Symptoms, Symptoms, Temporary and Related Details can be written and recorded.
Medication Information - You can record the dosage period, the medicine information.
Visiting Reservation - You can make a reservation and manage the hospital visit.
Blood sugar - automatic blood sugar records can be managed by linking blood sugar system that can be linked with smartphones. You can also manually enter.
Blood pressure - automatic blood records can be managed by linking a blood pressure system that can be linked with a smartphone. You can also manually enter.
Key - Automatic key record management is possible by linking blood sugar system that can be linked with smartphones. You can also manually enter.
Weight -Automatic weight records can be managed by linking the scale that can be linked to the smartphone. You can also manually enter.
Body temperature - automatic thermometer can be managed automatically by linking a thermometer that can be linked with smartphones. You can also manually enter.
Incident (disease) - You can record and manage the diagnosis, signs, diagnosis and detailed information of the disease.
Vaccination -You can record and manage vaccine name and inoculation on vaccination.
Test results - You can store and manage various test results in the form of images and write and record details.
Procedure/treatment - You can record and manage various procedures and treatment.
Activity record
You can store, integrate and manage activity information generated through various wearable devices in the form of a life log.
The number of steps measured through the wearable device, the calories of consuming, the distance, the lifetime data, and the amount of exercise are automatically managed.
Medical record
It is possible to store and manage user medical records stored in medical institutions based on medical records and international standards.
Interlined device, app
Google Fit, Fitbit, withings, ihealth, Misfit, Mapmyride, Runkeeper
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