Consult information on the circulation of Renfe MD and LD trains in real time.
EnHora allows you to carry the arrivals and departures panels of the main train stations in Spain on your mobile. Consult Renfe traffic information in real time and find out in seconds if the train you have to take runs on time, or if you will arrive at your destination late.
Searches are carried out using the InfoTrenes service. Information is offered on medium and long distance trains that are in circulation at the time of the request, that have arrived less than two hours ago or that their circulation begins within the same day or within four hours following the date and request time. For greater clarity, trains that have already passed are shown in gray and those that have not yet left are shown in white; By clicking on any train you can see its complete route, if available.
IMPORTANT: THIS APP IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH RENFE OR WITH ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION. The app only shows in a more convenient way the information publicly available on, so THE APP CANNOT SHOW INFORMATION WHEN THE RENFE WEBSITE IS NOT WORKING CORRECTLY, for example if maintenance tasks are being carried out on the page.
Likewise, COMMUNITY STATIONS AND TRAINS WILL NOT APPEAR IN YOUR SEARCHES, since the delays of these trains are not published on the Renfe website (and therefore we have no way of accessing them).
Remember that, in any case, THE SCHEDULES ARE CONSIDERED MERELY INFORMATIONAL IN NATURE, so you must be at the station at the time indicated on your ticket.
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