  • Fanpage.it


    7.4 3.11.0 2024-12-26

The news you want in real time. Keep up to date with Fanpage News.

All Fanpage.it news on your smartphone.

Every day, three million people read on our newspaper the breaking news and details on political, culture, stories, but also the sports news, live events, gossip and weather forecasts.

Fanpage.it is an italian independent newspaper, social and participatory that bases the information also on the readers' contributions. You can be updated on current events and on all breaking news. You can also choose to follow the topics, to receive notifications on the weather and on all news you want, from economics to politics, from culture to technology, and receive updates on sports and gossip.

With our app you can:

- follow your favourite topics (more than 3000 topics about football teams, singers, celebrities, stories, politics and much more) and the authors you like, getting news on real time on your device;

- be constantly updated on breaking news and main news chosen by Fanpage.it for you;

- follow reliable and updated weather forecasts;

- view thousands of surveys, reports and videos;

- customize your homepage, going directly on your favorite area, whether sports or motors, technology or gossip;

- access to your news from the shortcut 'notifications'.

You need to log in with facebook to personalize your experience with Fanpage.it.

We remind you that you have a total control of your account: view the settings page and customize your application.

Download Fanpage.it. A free app that provides the whole information.

Actually, Fanpage.it is only available in italian language.

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