  • FICTequila


    9.3 1.0.7 2024-10-27

The 1st International Film Festival of Tequila (SCIF)

The 1st Tequila International Film Festival (FICT) will be a space for the development and formation of film talent in Mexico, aimed at promoting in the new filmmakers the sensitivity, initiative, imagination and creativity in a referential framework of Mexicanity. It will be focused on the university public throughout the country, the approach will be academic, training and development.

The FICT will have a “house” contest called “Made in Jalisco”, a contest aimed at all those producers and directors of short and feature film that belong or reside in the state of Jalisco, to present their work in the fiction genre.

Along with the festival, the “1st. International Film Academic Congress ", with the intention of generating" the training and creative exchange between filmmakers of cinematography. " This Congress will be a forum where the most recognized creators will share their knowledge through projections, presentations, tributes, exhibitions, concerts, workshops and more.

The objective of FICT is to be the meeting point to promote and disseminate critical-artistic-cinematographic thinking between the participants and public, creating the conditions that benefit the economic spill and integration of society, government and private initiative and thus contribute to the artistic, tourist and cultural development of Tequila, with training activities of expression and film appreciation.

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