★Helps you find the nearest places/spots (such as florist,cafe,restaurant,etc)★
Find Places Near Me is a simple apps that helps you find the nearest places/spots (such as florist, ATM, gas station and many more) based on your current location.
Once you found the place, you can then find the location details such as rating, address, telephone, direction and website link.
E.g. You are around the New York Times Square, and you need to find restaurant or cafe nearby your location.
1) Select the "Cafe" options from the above selection.
2) The place finder will display all the cafe marker marked as cafe.
3) Find your way there and enjoy your sip of coffee.
1) Enable the location searches which let you search other location (E.g. Eiffel Tower, Paris) instead of the your current location.
2) You can now select the places from the lists, or by input your own searches (E.g "Hamburger Fast Food").
3) Traffic indicator that shows current road traffic condition.
4) Show direction to the destination.
5) Share places to your family and friends.
6) Places now has star rating that shows the current place's rating.
7) Share apps with your family and friends.
This application may include:
- Direct links to social networking websites
- Direct links to the internet that can take players away from the application with the potential to browse any web page.
- Advertising from partners include banner and interstitial advertisements.
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Please write an email if you have any problems, questions or feature requests. We can not answer on comments in the market.
Due to the vast amount of android devices it might not work perfectly on everyone's device, but we are working hard to get it there. If you have problems on your device contact [email protected] and we will try to fix your problem in the next version.
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