  • Flirter


    9.1 1.3.46 2024-10-25

Flirter is a combination of games and applications dating. Play and find someone for you!

Have you ever had a problem with how to talk to the person you like? - Flirter is a great solution in such a situation. Ready texts on the cards will help you start the conversation, and when you are ready you will go to a traditional chat.

Flirter is a dating application and a traditional card game in one. By sending cards with the texts specially selected by us, you can easily make new contact, keep an exciting flirt and learn more about the other person. At any time you can go to traditional chat and talk without any restrictions.

How does Flirter work?

Look through the profiles of active people in the application, and as soon as someone causes you, let him know by sending a flirt card or liking. Cards will allow you to easily start flirting or respond to the messages received. You can also use special cards to send your own text, photos and symbols.

If the cards are not enough and you want to transfer your conversation to a higher level, you can start chat.

What cards will you find?

- cards with ready texts of conversation,

- cards to enter your own text,

- photos for sending photos,

- cards with graphics,

- CHAT starting cards.

Card management:

By using the Flirter application you get points for the liked and cards sent and received. You can use the points you can use to replace or buy new cards.

Install the application and see how easy flirting can be!


Flirter Team

www. Flirter app.com

info@ Flirter app.com

What's New in the Latest Version 1.3.46

Last Updated on Feb 6, 2018 Minor changes and improvement of application stability.

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