  • Gerakan Kihon Shorinji Kempo

    Gerakan Kihon Shorinji Kempo

    9.2 1.0 2025-03-12

Movement Kihon (Basic) Martial Art Shorinji Kempo

This application is based offline and there is an audio as a guide for the introduction of each Kempo movement and there is also a collection of motion images that have been sorted according to their movements.

Making the application of the Kihon (Basic) Martial Arts Shorinji Kempo is assisted by Kempo players and also based on book references about Kempo as an object in making a thesis.

It is very useful to be able to make an application about the Kihon movement or the basic movement of Shorinji Kempo's martial arts which in this application can provide many benefits to help anyone who wants to learn Shorinji Kempo martial arts.

Kempo's martial arts also have philosophy, namely "Warmt yourself before fighting others and affection without strength is weakness and strength without affection is tyranny". It means that all kensi (kempo players) is prohibited from attacking before being attacked.

Promise and pledge of Kenshi (kempo player)


-We promise: In demanding this Kempo's teachings, it will always be devoted to God Almighty, respecting superiors, not underestimating subordinates, loving each other, salaing helps for the continuity of Kempo's teachings.

-We promise: Will submit to the leadership, follow exercises without doubt, as pure people.

-We promise: Will practice this teaching, for many people and not only for their own interests.


-We Indonesian Putra: Lover of the Motherland, determined to enhance the dignity of the nation.

-We Indonesian Putra: Defenders of Truth and Justice, Soping, always prioritizing the interests of the nation and state above personal interests.

For the sake of the motherland, for the sake of brotherhood, for humanity.

This application was made by STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta students.

Department of Information Systems, as a result of the product of thesis research.

Name: Budy Satria

NIM: 11.12.6263

*Sorry there are still many shortcomings in making products, but this is a race to continue to improve and develop the application.

Please download this Gerakan Kihon Shorinji Kempo application and learn and get the benefits. This application developer is aware that there are still many shortcomings in the Gerakan Kihon Shorinji Kempo application.

If there are criticisms and suggestions, please invite 7d8b9f80 or email [email protected]

Hope it is useful .

Thank You.


Shorinji, Kempo, Kihon, Movement, Martial Arts, Indonesia, Amikom

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