  • GetMe2 Perth Free

    GetMe2 Perth Free

    8 1.201 2024-12-10

Bus, Ferry and Train timetable for Perth.

*** GetMe2 Perth has reached the end of its life, please see the new and fully featured GetMe2 Transit. Full trip planner, timetables stored on your device, easier to use and real time transit in selected locations! ***

-Ad supported version, limits number of favourite routes/trips that can be saved-

GetMe2 Perth is designed to get you from where you are to where you want to go, all using the public transport system available to you!

Bus, Ferry and Train times are stored on your phone so once you're up and running no Internet connection is required to access times.

Some features include:

- Stop selection via map (no need to know your stop number)

- Point to point allowing selection of a departure and arrival point, the rest of the work will be done for you!

- Ability to find stops near your location and display the routes of all services departing these stops

- Stop times displayed on the map for each stop

- Set an alarm before your service departs/arrives/transfers

- Support for service transfers. This means all trip times are displayed, unlike other transport apps that sometimes miss over half of the services available

- Journey planner with customisable transfer time links multiple services so you can make your connections

- Show alternate services between selected stops

- Street address for every stop listed

- Favourite routes with customisable names

- Include nearby stops with customisable search radius. i.e. include all stops within 100 metres of the selected stops for your trip

- Filter services by transport type (bus/ferry/train) and/or service name

- Direction switcher to view services in the opposite direction

- Stop filter so stops in the opposite direction aren't displayed

- Select how many days in advance to show service times for, or increase search day by day

- Show all services frequenting a stop by selecting the stop from the map

- Easy to navigate screen flow

- Automatically checks for timetable updates

- Gesture support for moving between tabs

Compatible with tablets although not officially supported at this stage.


What's New in the Latest Version 1.201

Last updated on Aug 7, 2015 v1.201

-New Feature: Set an alarm for a departing/arriving service or a transfer between services
-Bug Fix: Timetable updater sometimes crashed when checking for a timetable update if no Internet connection was available, download progress bar incorrectly reported progress
-Bug Fix: Further minor bug fixes causing various crashes
-Improvement: Even smaller timetable
-Improvement: Notification to update timetable when it's out of date. Defaulted auto update check to every three days

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