Discover promotions, retailers and many useful tips from the group Gros.
Do you want to find out all about the Gros supermarkets again? Do you want to be updated on promotions and special offers reserved for Gros customers? Do you want to know the typical recipes of Italian cuisine? You will find this and many other informative columns with useful tips for you and your home on the official app of the Gros group.
Gros is an important distribution group of the city of Rome and its province and with its sales points with a strong Roman-Lazio character it offers a vast assortment of products and typical features of the territory.
With the App you can discover the Gros supermarkets, find the ones closest to you, be guided to reach them and stay up to date on the products on offer and the services offered by each store.
You can choose the supermarkets you prefer and stay up to date by browsing the promotional flyers and discovering the new offers.
And for all users, the App will take care to notify new promotions and useful news from favorite supermarkets.
Download the App on your devices and join the Gros world.
The App is owned by Ce.di. Gros. All rights reserved. All rights to the contents of the App are reserved pursuant to current legislation. The reproduction, publication and distribution, total or partial, of all the original material contained in this App, are expressly prohibited in the absence of written authorization.
Third-party sites used for accessing or using the App that are not authorized by Gros are not approved and / or verified by Gros. Gros is therefore not responsible in any way for their operation and / or use of the data entered in them.
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