Innovative, efficient, and first in PoliMedia!
Hi Polimedian! is a free application to get all information about PoliMedia. Starting from the news, upcoming events, and other big events.
Hi Polimedian! There is also information about your GPA, and the Academic Calendar & Ormawa.
Now, PoliMedia is in your hands!
Donate a little of your fortune for the development of this application.
1. 08180 6832 447 - Adinata Prasetyo (Multimedia 5)
2. 08389 2141 145 - Lanang Raksagumilang (Graphic Design 5)
1. How to Login:
Make sure you have filled out the registration form correctly & completely. Wait a few moments to be able to log in because there is data validation for our secretion system.
2. Forgot Password & Wrong Input Study Program:
- Please send your data to our email, [email protected]
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