JIN - A free Ride sharing platform to connect Passengers & Vehicles everywhere !
JIN - A free Ride sharing platform to connect Passengers & Vehicles everywhere !
JIN is a mobile based app that connects Ride seekers with their Rides. Ride seekers enter their travel destination and search for rides on the JIN platform. Ride providers also enter their destination and stay open to potential matches.
JIN will be an On Demand ride finding platform for ride seekers and givers to interact real-time with GPS location on their mobile phones. The JIN platform will cater to 2 primary audiences:
********* Vehicles owners who are willing to provide a lift to Passengers on their Vehicle
********* Passengers who are willing to share a ride on a private vehicle
Some of the nascent features of JIN ride are:
********* The Passenger can select the Vehicle to use for the ride
********* The Vehicle Driver can Accept or Decline rides
********* The Vehicle Driver sets his own rate
********* The Passenger pays the Vehicle Owner via cash on completion of the Journey. JIN will calculate the shortest route cost based on the Destination set by the Passenger
********* The JIN platform has provision to accept Cars, Auto rickshaws and 2 Wheelers, thus enabling most motorized vehicles to be used for Ride sharing.
JIN aims to be THE Smartphone app that can be used by End Users to flag a ride immediately available in their vicinity. JIN on one hand helps passengers looking for a ride, find an economic and viable option. On the other hand, JIN facilitates almost any Vehicle owners (Car, Auto, Bike) to find a ride and earn money / share the fuel cost. The per km charge is set by the Vehicle Owner and JIN does not control it. JIN has an intuitive map based interface that enables easy booking and riding.
JIN only provide the technology and platform for the Users to connect. JIN does not have any drivers affiliated to the JIN network. JIN encourages Cash exchange between Users and does not facilitate Credit Card use, keeping in mind the low penetration of credit cards and debit cards in many developing countries.
Some of the Key features of the App to be noted are:
---> Enables, Cars, Autos and 2 Wheelers to login and use
---> Vehicles set their own charge for each Kilometer travelled
---> Vehicles can pick multiple passengers travelling in same route
---> Passengers can choose the Vehicles based on options provided to him
---> Ride Cost is calculated before the ride starts automatically by the JIN Platform based on the distance to be traveled.
---> Bookings can be made only via JIN App
---> Vehicles can be booked only by the person using the App and the pickup location has to be the same place as where the phone is present.
---> Payment is made via Cash at the end of the journey
---> Phone number will be verified initially with a self sent SMS
JIN will enable end users to have a lot of control over how much money they earn based on how much they charge, who to pick up, which ride to flag and various other localized features that will solve some of the sticky issues that other taxi booking apps face.
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