  • Know Your Mene

    Know Your Mene

    7.6 1.1.3 2024-12-23

Increase the Size of Your Folder Memes and Discover Menes Freshly Baked Daily

Updated daily, have access to the largest database of Mene on your smartphone. If you are that person who always wondered where these images were, or waited for that friend of yours to post in the group, it's time for you to turn that friend.

With it you can download, share and edit the available menes (nothing is on your phone, ie it does not occupy memory for nothing) or simply take that funny picture of your friend, or take the gallery and write a text by zuando it.

-Set a list of your favorite images or save to your mene folder.

-All images are categorized, whether in the drawer (upper left) or magnifying glass (upper right), you can quickly find menes by key words.

-Also in the upper bar, browse among your favorites, all images, the latest or generate a random list.

-All images are loaded with a server, ie only at your command the FTS are stored.

*Mene is a Brazilian imitation of the 2008 American Memes, but did not get out of fashion. (and agr with this app will never leave)

Version 1.1.2

-Facebook pages partner pages with content to the app with that of the app

Version 1.1.1

-All toast warnings exchanged for snackbars (to stay in the material design design)

-Added a snackbar that says how many menes the database were added.

Version 1.1

-Adiction a small tutorial on how to use the app when it is first started.

-Resolvated the error the app looked at when trying to edit a photo of the gallery.

-In the full screen image screen, the icon was replaced by a text "Options" for better identification.

-Now temporary files are deleted correctly when closing the app.

Version 1.0.3

-Solvated the error that changed category when using the "back" button from Toolbar

(Thanks to everyone who reported the error, you have no idea how it helps me)

Version 1.0.1

-Srevered the need for the device to have autofocus (more devices are supported now)

What's New in the Latest Version 1.1.3

Last updated on Mar 22, 2016 Version 1.1.3
-Now Edit Menes, it is possible to hold the +- source and position buttons to change the fastest values. (No need to be squeezed thousands of times)
-Did a button to like the app's Facebook page.
-Some parts of unnecessary realm.

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