Listen live to 102.3 KRMG Tulsa’s News & Talk
Listen live to 102.3 KRMG Tulsa’s News & Talk FREE - 24 hours a day. Receive push notifications of Breaking News, Severe Weather Warnings and Red Alert Traffic. Wake-up with the KRMG Morning News with Dan Potter or set a drive time reminder for the KRMG Evening News with Dick Loftin with our alarm clock feature. Also, if you see breaking news, have traffic tips, or just really want to interact with our hosts, use our open mic feature to let your voice be heard! 102.3 KRMG - also specializing in the best talk radio in Tulsa, featuring Brian Kilmeade, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Clark Howard, Dana Loesch, Todd Starnes and Chad Benson!Read more