
"Kurzparkzonen Wien" provides all information about parking in Vienna.

"Kurzparkzonen Wien" provides all information about parking in Vienna you need to know.

★ You would like to know where parking space borders are and how long the period of validity of those zones are?

★ You need information about parking strips and residents strips to be able to better plan your trip into the city?

★ You search for car parking ticket stations, garages or park & ride?

★ You want to know if there is a short term parking zone at your location or at a specific address?

★ You need to use the satellite view for better orientation?

★ You are owner of a permament parking permit and want to know where overlapping zones are.

If the answer is yes, then here is the right place to find it. Kurzparkzonen Wien provides all this information and much more. Moreover, all data sets and zones will be updated on weekdays daily, so the data is always up-to-date.

This app uses the following data sources and icon of Open Governmen Wien, "data source: Stadt Wien - data.wien.gv.at":

Catalogs: Kurzparkzonen, Kurzparkstreifen, Anrainerparkplätze, Garagen und P+R-Anlagen, Parkscheinstellen, Geografisches Namensverzeichnis, Geltungsbereiche und Überlappungszonen

Icons: Parkschein-Verkaufsstellen, Parkgaragen-Standorte

"Kurzparkzonen Wien" is at no charge and will stay so.

Legal notice and disclaimer:

The data in this app was reviewed carefully. In spite of that no guarantee can be provided for technical availability, content and reliability of the various services. Liability claims against the provider which are based on corporeal or non-material damage issues, caused by the usage or non-usage of the presented information, respectively by usage of incorrect or incomplete information, are basically precluded, as long as there is no intentional or grossly negligent culpability present. All offers are without obligation and nonbinding.

"Kurzparkzonen Wien" is only distributed on Google Play Store. The provider assumes no liability for damage of any kind, occurred by downloading this app from any third party store.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.22

Last updated on Jul 31, 2020 Version upgrade of program libraries

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