
Assisted Communication Tool For Those Who Have No Voice and Can Not Speak.

" La mia voce " is an assisted communication tool designed for those who, for example suffering from a tumor of the head or neck, find themselves without a voice or with difficulty talking. The app was designed starting from the needs of these people to respond to common or particular situations of their life.

It is a useful tool for those directly interested and who is close to them (doctors, nurses or other health professionals, family or friends).

In a few passages and intuitively " La mia voce " allows those who find themselves without a voice to express what they want, from the request for help to emotions.

Several functions also allow you to customize the app because it is increasingly responding to different daily needs.

Features and functions

- more than 130 icons each associated with a name and pre-registrative phrase (male or female voice of the user's choice)

- "pain" category, useful in case of pain, to describe its level, type and area of ​​the body in which it manifests itself

- "New icon" function allows you to insert new personalized icons with images and sentences

- "Favorite" function collects the icons chosen as you prefer by the user and two sets of useful icons in hospital and when you are away from home

- "Write and listen" function offers the possibility of inserting a text and making it reproduce by a vocal synthesizer

- "I" function allows you to enter personal information that can be modified or deleted at any time

- "Draw" function offers the possibility of using the device as a sheet of paper by drawing with a finger what you want to communicate

- "amplifier" function allows you to record messages and reproduce them at a higher volume

You will not feel more isolated: " La mia voce " will be your voice!

What's New in The Latest Version 2.1

Last Updated on jul 24, 2015 # improved response speed. Code of the Vocal Recognition tool and graphic tablet rewritten from scratch. Bug fixing.

# Fixed the bug that prevented the start on some devices

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