
The all-star freestyle team of Livfast


Livfast Tour Fueled by Monster Energy @ Walmart vist Livfast.com for more details.


Livfast Clothing, we will always stay true to our Brand and Trademark

Company Overview

At times, they seem to hang in the air like the forlorn riff of a Fender Stratocaster. The next minute, they’re ripping the sky to bits, an air force of two-wheeled adventuresomes with excess amounts of adrenaline and a widespread following of rabid fanatics. They are the all-star freestyle team of Livfast, notorious for laying it all out and dealing with the consequences.


Livfast’s clients/venues include:

✯ Tony Hawk Boom Boom Huck Jam

✯ NBC’s Jeremy McGrath Supercross Invitational

✯ The Harley Davidson 100th anniversary celebration

✯ Monster Jam

✯ Street Vibrations

✯ Grand Sierra Resorts

✯ Nascar

✯ Award Winning Dune Fest

Exit 28

All shows include a turn key production which include the following:

✯ Take off and landing ramps systems ‘’state-of-the-art equipment”

✯ 5-15 riders from x games gold medalists to the new young guns

✯ Live announcer

✯ DJ

✯ Livfast merchandise tents and autograph booths

✯ Livfast Ladies - “models for autographs and Livfast merchandise sales”

✯ 3 shows per day with one unscheduled practice

Kyle Green Phone 913-708-1556

✯ Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 2811 ✯ Reno, NV 89505

✯ www.Livfast.com

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