Information Application Supploud by a Writing Journalists M6
M6info This is the free information application of the M6 group.
M6info is the French and international news treated daily (24/24; 7/7) by the editorial staff M6:
- video news from the news on 12: 45 and 19: 45
- The question of the daily day taken up in the news
- Reports from the flagship magazines of the chain.
M6info is Yahoo's privileged partner on information. Find in this application the latest news with Yahoo within a thread of nourished information in real time.
M6info is real -time information thanks to alert pushs that you can personalize at your convenience.
M6info is also features adapted to your iPhone or iPad:
- a layout adapted to the screen of your iPhone or iPad for optimized reading comfort
- A structuring of sections content: France, various facts, world politics, unusual
- Quick access to information through a simple menu
- Customizable news alerts
M6info is finally the application that you must have to keep informed at any time with relevant, concise and all content.
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