Martin Bird Machine: Read, Watch and Listen Along with Flight Whimbrels
The Netherlands is reading a flight of rain wilpen from Maarten 't Hart
1 to 30 November 2014
Get a flight of rain swirls now at your library and read, look and listen!
The birds from a flight of rain wilpen come to life in the one and only Netherlands reads app - Maartens Vogel Machine . Listen to the hop and chew while reading passages from the book in which they can be found.
Two live broadcasts are made especially for the Netherlands. The Netherlands is reading Live!, The literary online talk show where students make assignments to the reasons for the book and the performance of Maarten 't Hart during the Netherlands reads Slotfeest. You immediately look them live in this app via the yellow live stream button.
You will also find the beautiful movie 'De Tijd in a wing stroke' under the red you tube button, in which Onno Blom starts a conversation with Maarten 't Hart.
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