Maths formula Guide for preparation of curriculum & competitive exam
A complete guide to maths formulas and concepts which is helpful in competitive like MBA , CAT , GMAT etc and curriculum exams .
The Complete Reference of Maths Formulas covering the following topics
* Trigonometry Formulas
Right Angled Definition
Pythagoras Theorem
Tangent Identitites
Even Odd Formulas
Multi angle formulas
Double Angle Formulas
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric Ratios
*Geometry Formulas
Basics and Definitions
Areas and Circumference
Volumes and Surface Area
*Number System Formulas
Unit Digit
Last 2 Digits
*Divisibility Rules
*Algebra Formulas
*Exponents Formulas
*Logarithms Formulas
*Progressions Formulas
*Quadratic Equations Formulas
*Squares , cubes and roots Formulas
and many more with regular updates .
This maths formulas collection is useful for MBA exams , competitive and even curriculum exam .
It lists out all the important maths formulas/topics in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry. Regular review of these maths formulas and concepts will definitely help improve your grades.
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