  • Nephrology Assisstant Free

    Nephrology Assisstant Free

    8.4 2.3 2025-03-22

An App for easily Managing your patient's electrolytes & Acid-Base disorders

Managing your patient's electrolytes and Acid-Base disorders has never been easier than it is now with Nephrology Assisstant Free on your Mobile phone or tablet.


1-Calculate Creatinine clearance.

2-Calculate expected time of elective dialysis.

3-Hypernatremia Or Hyponatremia treatment ,with hourly rate of correction as never been give by any other calculators,with different options for rate of correction and type of fluid used.

4-ABG ANALYSIS gives you detailed analysis of your patient's ABG ,as regard oxygenation and acid-base disorders,helping you formulate sound Diagnosis and better management plan.

5-Clear instruction for treatment of metabolic acidosis,well tested by the developer on real patients with very good result,all built on well-known scientific equations.

6-Moreover,you can with the function of"EEXPECTED PH" given as part of ABG analysis,determine if there is error from your ABG machine,in case your patient's "EEXPECTED PH" does not coincide with PH given by ABG machine.

7--Still one good feature,is that of automatic detection of venous samples(VBG) and correction of PCO2 and PH values,appropriate for venous blood.

8-Salt-Loosing Nephropathy:Fluid: Replcement therapy

calculated as ML/hour of normal saline for keeping fluid balance exact,avoiding volume overload and dehydration as well as keeping serum sodium within normal limits as what is lost is accurately replaced.

9-Treatment of the following disorders :

A-Metabolic Acidosis

B-Metabolic Alkalosis.

C-Respiratory Alkalosis

D-Respiratory Acidosis

10-Chhosing Control Calcium/Phosphate/PTH

You will get clear advice on how to manage high,low or normal PTH

with its accompained calcium and phosphate changes

making special consideration to the patient past history of

secondary hyperparathyroidism or parathyroidectomy"

11-choosing (Correct low sodium with hyperglycemia)

you get true sodium level.

11-choosing (Correct low calcium with low album

you get true calcium level.

Best of luck and thanks.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.3

Last updated on Apr 7, 2021 New functions
More user-frindely interface
Salt-Loosing Nephropathy:Fluid: Replcement therapy
calculated as ML/hour of normal saline avoiding volume overload and dehydration as well as keeping serum sodium within normal limits
1-Metabolic Acidosis
2-Metabolic Alkalosis.
2-Respiratory Alkalosis.
4-Respiratory Acidosis.
4-Control Calcium,phosphate and PTH level.
5-Correct sodium level due to hyperglycemia.
6-Correct calcium level due to hypoalbuminemia,

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