Engineering and Financial Handbook for Oil Industry
Oil Handbook is the one stop-shop where you can not only find Oil Engineering design tools and tables, but also perform economic analysis such as IRR, NPV and Payback.
You can estimate the oil price based on a concept taught in MBA Finance courses. You can lookup WTI and Brent Crude Oil Prices. You can also perform Black Scholes Options analysis to make complex Oil investment decision analysis. Even Oil Options analyzer which quickly tells you the value of waiting given a certain level of volatility and much more..Pls be sure to leave a good feedback to provide the motivation to enhance this app further. Thanks!
In this app, you will find a clean interface to do just what you want, without any advertisement clutter. Also, the app is designed to work in all phones and tablets.
The following are the functions in this app:
Common Conversions - Enables conversion among commonly used units eg. from gallons to cubic metre
Project Forecasting : Earned value & Cost Performance Index calculation and forecasting of project's estimate at completion
Project Cost estimation : This calculates the total project estimation with breakdown based on key categories such as direct labor cost, indirect labor cost, camp etc.
Energy Calculator - Computes the energy density of various fuels
Oil Price Estimator - Given Oil Spot price, Beta (Risk-factor), Risk-free rate, Storage cost and Convenience in holding on to the oil and the Holding time of the commodity, the app estimates the future oil price. Like all estimates, this is the best guess of oil price based on the input parameters. Additionally, Oil forward price is also computed.
Black Scholes Analyzer - Given Stock, Strike, Risk-free Rate, Volatility, Div Yield and Time to expire, this tool analyzes various Option characteristics including the Call Price, Put Price etc...I am sure you will find this tool highly useful.
Oil Investment Analyzer - Given Oil industry macro and investment specific characteristics, this tool gives out NPV, IRR and Payback. A must-have tool for any Oil & gas investor
Oil Price Checker - A quick chart with $/bbl price for WTI, Brent Crude Oil & Natural Gas.
Gas Volume Calculator - based on the famous equation PV/T = constant, it is a handy tool that any engineer will find useful
Flange Gauge Pressure - Given the flange class, this provides the hydrostatic test pressure, maximum temperature and pressure ratings of flanges conforming dimensions as specified by ASME
Basic Pipe data - Given nominal pipe size dia and schedule information, it gives out a lot of dimensional characterstics.
Pipe Weight data - Given nominal pipe size dia, this tool will provide weight characteristics for Yellow Brass, Red Brass and Copper.
Thermal Expansion - Given Temperature, this tool gives out the thermal expansion for Carbon, Cast iron, Copper, Brass & Bronze and Wrought Iron
Pipe Compatibility - Given pipe specification, this tool gives out the compatible valves, fittings and flanges
Tubing Data - Given Material, Pipe & Wall Thickness, this tool provides the tube dia and pressure performance characteristics
Insulation Materials - characteristics including temperature range
Flash point of fuels - with wide range of fuels with their respective flash point
Steel Pipe Heat Loss - Given pipe size, this tool provides heat loss in the steel pipe
View Disclaimer - Just a screen that indicates the limitations and sources of data for this app ( all public information...Pls view this screen before you proceed to use the app ).
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