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Install your Okazii.ro app and enjoy all the advantages of our marketplace directly from your mobile phone. Fashion, phones, house and garden products, sports and children, car parts and accessories, collection items, books and even foods, almost everything you can find on Okazii.ro .
With the Okazii.ro you can:
- you are looking quickly among millions of products, out of over 3000 categories;
- Compare the offers from thousands of professional shops and sellers, all in one place;
- Buy informed: numerous products have reviews granted on Okazii.ro ;
- Buy safely: our qualifying system helps you choose the best sellers. In addition, you can buy products with the delivery guarantee and you are sure that you receive exactly what you order;
- you receive automatic notifications when the products you have added to the favorites benefit from discount;
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- communicate with sellers if you have any questions or additional questions about the products you want to buy;
- easily save the search, sellers and products that interest you;
- you receive important notifications regarding the activity of your account Okazii.ro ;
- Simply add products for sale, and when you receive an order we will notify you on your smartphone so that you complete the sale as quickly as possible.
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