  • Rassegna Stampa

    Rassegna Stampa

    8.6 4.0 2024-12-26

Best Press review of industry newspapers and other news blog

Press review news newspapers is a FREE and WITHOUT ADVERTISING application

FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE!!!!!!. to read the press review of the main news from Cronaca, Sport Economia from the most famous national and international dailies.

The news shown are the front page news which contain current news, sports, politics, finance, health, foreign affairs, economics, current affairs, etc.

The newspapers available are:

La Repubblica, La Stampa, Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Messaggero, Il Giornale, Libero, Il Fatto Quotidiano, L'Unità, Adnkronos, Ansa, TgCom (TgCom24), Avvenire, Il Tempo, Il Mattino, Il Manifesto, Il Post, , Il Secolo XIX, Huffington Post, Corriere dello Sport, Gazzetta dello Sport, all continuously updated.

The icons used in the applet have the sole purpose of embellishment and easy identification of the newspapers but are the property of the inserted newspapers and journals.

With the newspaper archive function it is possible to select additional newspapers BY INSERTING THE PREFERRED RSS BLOGS AND POADCASTS and deselect those that are not of interest, even those inserted by default. With favorites, on the other hand, it is possible to find articles of interest with the favorite star.

The application Press Review Newspapers

it has no legal or economic relationship with the aforementioned newspapers because it is only an app that receives news already present and public on the internet,

therefore the developer is not responsible in any way for the news displayed, published or shared.

For any suggestions email [email protected]

What's New in the Latest Version 4.0

Last updated on Mar 16, 2023 OTTIMIZZATA.
COMPLETAMENTE PERSONALIZZABILE inserite nella sezione ORGANIZZA due funzioni: ARCHIVIO GIORNALI e PREFERITI. Con ARCHIVIO GIORNALI è possibile selezionare ulteriori testate giornalistiche e deselezionare quelle che non interessano, anche quelle inserite per default. SI POSSONO INSERIRE ANCHE NUOVI RSS BLOG POADCAST .

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