Scripture (Urdu)
A rare collection of the prayers and effects of Imam Zain al -Abidin (AS), a rare collection that is a valuable gift to the servants of Allah. The secrets of the Divinity and the treasures of the true beads of the subtleties, which contain articles in the best of society, honesty and godliness.
In his prayers, remember Hajj -ul -Islam Moulana Mufti Jafar Hussain Sahib Qibla Translator Sahifa Kamala Saifa Sajjadia and Mr. Muhammad Mahdi Azmi Sahib and all the believers who offered their full support in making this program.
Shi'a, in the meantime
) Sahifa e Kamela is the book of Dua's and munajat of our beloved Imam Hazrat Zainul Abedeen (as
Please remember in your pray Translator of the book Hujattul Islam Maulana Mufti Jafar Husain Saheb qibla and all those who helped to complete this application specially Mr. Mohammed mehdi azmi
Saahifaekamela sahifaesajjadiyah SHia asna ashriyah ithna jafari ahlebait sahifa e sajjadiyah kamila kamela imamiya dua munajat sahaba imamiyah ahlebait
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