  • Shopping Time

    Shopping Time

    8 2.1.0 2024-12-27

Quickly find the opening hours of shops in your neighbourhood.


Data used in this application are provided by web sites (www.shopping-time.co.uk, www.shopping-time.com, ...) that work on a collaboration model. Then, if you don't find a shop or if the hours are not good you can add or modify it on the site or in the application.

This application allows you to quickly find the opening hours of shops, stores, restaurants and services (town hall, post office, ...).

For each shop or service, you have the address and phone number as well as practical information (parking, wifi, ...) and, of course, the opening and closing times. Moreover, it is possible to locate it on a map and get there using a navigation application.

You can also manage your favorite shops or services.

With this application on your mobile device, you are always able to know what are the shops, stores, restaurants and services open in your neighbourhood.

The big new feature is the ability to add or modify shop or service information directly from the application.

Available countries are :

- Argentina,

- Australia,

- Brazil,

- Canada,

- France,

- Germany,

- Italy,

- Mexico,

- Netherlands,

- Poland,

- Spain,

- Turkey,

- United Kingdom,

- United States of America.


I apologize for having change the format for saving favorites that causes the loss of your previously saved favorites.


- ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION : to obtain your current location in a quick and imprecise way

- INTERNET : to access the Internet

- ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE : to obtain network state

- ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION : to obtain your current location in a precise way

- ACCESS_WIFI_STATE : to obtain WIFI state

- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : to store cache of map data


- tablet support


If you have any question or suggestion, please use our feedback page here : https://getsatisfaction.com/piwisoft/products/piwisoft_les_horaires.


- Add/Modify shop or service information

- Modernization of the user interface

What's New in the Latest Version 2.1.0

Last updated on Oct 20, 2015 - Add information about opening hours in shops list
- Correct some bugs

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