  • Simulador Thermor

    Simulador Thermor

    9.3 1.2.3 2025-03-29

Discover The Energy Savings Obtained By Usingthe Aerothermy.

Discover the great energy savings obtained by using

Aerothermia, a renewable energy available in the air. Thanks to

Thermor energy savings simulator, you can choose the system of

Heating and most advantageous sanitary water for your home.

Did you know that heating is 45% of the average energy consumed by

a house? And that 15% is from the hot sanitary water? The increase

constant prices of the different energies available for a

housing cause users to choose the most efficient system

both to heal and to produce sanitary hot water. And one

renewable energy that goes in line with energy savings and comfort in

Housing is aerothermia.

Themor, leading brand in the air conditioning and hot water sector

Health, and first European manufacturer of aerothermal equipment, puts

Disposition This simple tool, very easy handling and understanding,

with which you can obtain:

- An orientation of energy consumption for heating and ACS in

Your home

- A comparison of consumption between different types of energy


- CO2 emissions for each type of energy

- The contribution of renewable energy (free) for your annual demand for


- Access to Professional Zone, where you can save your projects

- Print or share the results.

- Contact the Thermmor Engineering Department

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