Sneakers is the #1 social network dedicated to the sneaker culture.
Sneakers is the number 1 social network dedicated to Sneakers on iPhone and the #1 source for sneakerheads.
Download this App now and get the latest sneaker news from the best blogs online and release dates, shoes stores locator, photos sharing, videos and more... it's all about the hype and the Sneaker culture.
Works all over the World and the best part is the offline mode which allows you to use the App without Internet! (very good in the plane or areas without network).
We are providing you with the latest news from the best sources available.
Don't miss any sneaker releases with a detailed calendar organized by Date.
This App has a store locator where you can find the best Sneaker Stores around you that carry the best brands.
Integrated Social Network with Direct Messages and Push notifications. Chat Wall / Forum
This App includes a Search button where you can find almost everything. It's a very good tool to look into the archives or simply look for something quickly.
Use the Sneakers Cam - A good way to prove that your kicks are legit ;-)
This App is FREE and there is absolutely NO CATCH
Sneakers App is NOT affiliated with any Footwear Brands in any way, shape, or form. All opinions expressed herein do not reflect those of Footwear brands.
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