  • SweetMatch


    8 22.9.0 2024-10-25

SweetMatch is free dating app, find your flirt nearby and start chatting

★★★ 2,000,000+ users, Free dating and flirting app ★★★

SweetMatch AI is the next-generation dating concept, with SweetMatch app, you will not just swipe left or right or match with a random person who crosses the path, the intelligent AI-powered algorithm will predict your partner!

How does it work?

Take an interesting personality quiz, our AI will fetch your six-dimensional personality. Based on your personality our algorithm would suggest the best possible match near you.

Set your partner preferences:

Fill-in the traits of your ideal partner, not just that, based on your answers your next match would be just according to your preferences.

Not just random strangers:

Yes, your match would never be random strangers, instead, they would be picked intelligently using cutting-edge artificial intelligence way, this would make sure that we find your matches with more sense.

Intelligent fraud prevention:

AI would not just find your matches but it would also make sure that profile that matches you is 100% original, we use several techniques to filter out fake profiles, starting with face detection using AI and profile behavior while using the app, our algorithm would intelligently flag false profiles.

5 Matches every day:

By answering every set of questions we would suggest 1 match, in total, you would get up to 5 compatible matches every day.

Chat with your matches:

Once you match with someone, you can contact them instantly and can start a meaningful conversation, there is no limitation on sending messages.

Happy matching!

Team SweetMatch

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