Searching for a cab in Montreal? Use our app to order directly from your phone.
Order your taxi in just three clicks from Montreal’s largest taxi provider with the Taxi Diamond application, and pay your fare in whatever way suits you best, either via the application or to the driver directly (cash, debit, coupons or credit card). You’ll see for yourself how simple and quick it is!
ORDERING A TAXI: How does it work?
The application will geolocate you and suggest an address where the taxi should be sent;
Next, you’ll decide on the type of vehicle (sedan or van) and your method of payment (via the application, cash, debit, coupons or credit card);
That’s all there is to it! The nearest available Taxi Diamond will be dispatched to pick you up!
On your screen, you can track the car dispatched to pick you up in real time and estimate what time the taxi will arrive at the requested address.
Enter your destination address, and a calculation of your approximate fare will be displayed.
Reserve your taxi
It’s also possible to reserve a taxi for a future trip.
Consult your trip log
You’ll receive an e-mail confirmation of your taxi orders and a log of your orders over the past month to help you manage your expenses.
Personalize your profile
Configure the application by entering key addresses (home, work, daycare, restaurants, etc.), your preferred method of payment, and the type of vehicle that best meets your needs.
Rate your rides
Taxi Diamond is proud to offer the best customer service in the business and invites you to rate the cleanliness of the vehicle and the courtesy and professionalism of your driver. Your satisfaction is our number one priority.
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