Lucky, Rutaxi and Yandex.Taxi in the process of asset integration
Lucky, Rutaxi and Yandex.Taxi in the process of asset integration: we combine user bases, as well as knowledge, experience and technologies.
To fulfill orders from users of Lucky, Yandex Go and Uber Russia, download the Yandex.Pro app.
With Yandex.Pro, you can work every day or just earn extra money. No need to search for passengers - you automatically receive an order from those who are closest to you.
Yandex.Pro has a built-in Yandex.Navigator. It is faster than the standalone maps app and doesn’t take up much memory on your device.
You can see directly on the map which places have the most orders. Such areas are highlighted in purple - trips from there are more expensive than usual.
Yandex.Pro distributes orders so that idle mileage is less and earnings are more. Download Yandex.Pro and start making money!
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