
Taxi5ka - comfortable and affordable trips around Syzran and Kuznetsk for everyone.

Take advantage of a simple and convenient way to travel around Syzran and Kuznetsk. And with the application, Taxi5ka.ru is always at hand.


? Order a taxi in a couple of seconds

Open the application, enter the address and order a taxi by pressing one button

⚡️ Order a taxi even faster

Save places you visit often. Home, work, friends. Choose from saved options so you don't have to enter your address manually

? Make your trip more comfortable

Add your wishes to your order. Choose air conditioning to make your trip pleasant on a hot summer day. Don't stand the smell of cigarettes - this is a “non-smoking salon” for you. Need to take your small child to the hospital? Book a taxi with a child seat. Add “transportation of an animal” if you need to transport a pet.

Add stops

Are you going to the cinema and need to pick up a couple of friends along the way? Add stops. Don't have time to buy your online order after work? Order a taxi and add the address of the pickup point to be on time.

Reduce taxi waiting time

Are you going to a meeting during rush hour and can’t find a car? Increase the cost of the order. This way the driver will pick up your order faster during times of high demand.

? Get bonuses for friends

Invite friends using a referral code and receive bonuses for their trips. And also, for the trips of friends of their friends. Accumulate bonuses and use them to pay for trips.

? Order in advance

Are you leaving on vacation tomorrow? Make a reservation to be in time for registration.

? Rate the trip and the driver

Rate your trip using ready-made templates.

? Write to the driver

Write to the driver that you are already leaving or check his location in the internal chat of the application.

Install the Taxi5ka.ru application and order a taxi in Syzran and Kuznetsk. Install in one click - get maximum opportunities.

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