The Illustrated distributes daily 5 High-Quality Editorial Cartoons.
The mission of The Illustrated is to inform society by distributing daily 5 high-quality editorial cartoons. Its ultimate goal is to create a visual historical receptacle of world events.
With The Illustrated, you will be able to discover every day one great cartoon. Swipe up and down to go back in time. Premium subscribers will be able to swipe left and right and discover 4 additional cartoons.
Here are the different features found in this news application:
**New Members**
- Every day a brand new editorial cartoon to discover
- 15 day access to Archives
- Free, No registration required
**Silver Members**
- Every day a brand new editorial cartoon to discover
- 30 day access to Archives
- Save your favorite cartoons
- Access Rankings and the Search Engine
- Free. Quick sign up process
**Gold Members**
- Every day 5 High Quality Editorial Cartoons to discover
- Unlimited Archive access. 1000+ Cartoons available
- Save your favorite cartoons
- Access Rankings and the Search Engine
- Share your thoughts on each cartoon with Gold Members
- Quick sign up process. Low Monthly Fee
Here are some of the Editorial Cartoonists found in the Application:
KAL, Adam Zyglis, Steve Sack, Marian Kamensky, Alex Falco Chang, Joep Bertrams, Luojie, Tjeerd Royards, Steve Breen, Rick McKee, Petar Pismestrovic, Enrico Bertuccioli, Jalal Hajir, Nate Beeler, R.J Matson. Sherif Arafa, Miguel Villalba Sachez, Andy Marlette, Nestory Fedeliko, Paresh Nath.
All cartoons are licensed work from various publishing houses.
V 1.0.047
-Heavily optimized some api
V 1.0.043
-Added various optimizations and bug fixes
-Added various UI improvements
-Added a short video showcasing The Illustrated
-Implemented improved sharing
V 1.0.02
-Fixed numerous bugs
-Various cloud optimizations
-You now no longer need to be signed in to access your subscription
-You can now cache your favorites, likes, and dislikes locally
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