Trains Timetable Italy Widgets is an add-on for the Trains Timetable Italy app
ATTENTION: Widgets are now included in the app, this package is no longer necessary
It includes four kinds of widget and an alert system.
☆ Timetable Widget: shows a timetable with delays
☆ Train Widget: to track a train in real time
☆ Station Widget: useful to check all train departing from a station
☆ Starred Trains Widget: to see at a glance all your preferred trains
☆ Alert system: adds to the app the ability to set alarms to notify you about a train departing or arring at the chosen station
All widgets are resizable and scrollable on Android 3.1+, and they works on lockscreen on Android 4.2+
ver. 8.8.7
- Fixed alarms and auto-updates in Android 5+
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