Experience the door communication of your Welcome system on your mobile device!
Experience the door communication of your Welcome system on your smartphone or tablet!
Never miss a door call. With the Welcome app all calls are transferred directly to your mobile device.
You can see and hear who is at your door.
Simply connect the app to your Welcome system via the myBUSCH-JAEGER/myABB-LivingSpace account.
Information about the configuration and registration of your IP-Gateway can be found at: http://www.busch-jaeger-catalogue.com/8300-0-0336,artikel.html
- Audio and video communication
- Door-opening
- Switching lights
Welcome door communication system with configured IP-Gateway 83341 or 83341-500, SW version 1.16 or higher.
Registration at https://my.busch-jaeger.de or https://my.abb-livingspace.com.
For usage via internet: IP-Gateway is connected via DSL 6000 or better.
For usage via internet: Mobile device is connected via 3G/UMTS or WLAN, data plan (e.g. flatrate) allows voice over IP (VoIP).
NOTE: In order to receive door calls the app has to run in the background.
WARNING: Not compatible with IP-Gateway 83340-500 for the Busch-ComfortTouch®.
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