  • Wireless Minder

    Wireless Minder

    7.2 2.25 2025-03-13

Wireless Minder seamlessly manages the wireless radios.

Wireless Minder extends battery life by managing the wireless radios. It shuts off unused wireless radios and periodically turns them on to check for a connection. Think of it as an "up periscope": if no connections are available, the radio powers off, but if a connection is available the radio stays on.

Example uses:

Upon leaving your home, WiFi disconnects but the radio continues to draw power when no WiFi is in range. Wireless Minder shuts down the WiFi and occasionally checks for a known WiFi AP.

If you leave Bluetooth disabled most of the time but have a hands-free set in the car, Wireless Minder turns it on so you don't have to manually enable Bluetooth. If Bluetooth isn't already on when a call is made or received, Wireless Minder quickly enables it so that the hands-free set will be used.

For power users, the Mobile 3G/4G radio may be optionally shut down when WiFi is connected. Wireless Minder automatically turns it on briefly to check for SMS, voicemails and other phone data. A side effect is that calls and texts may be DELAYED or MISSED so use this with discretion. Internet-based messaging apps and VOIP calls will continue to work on WiFi.

Android 4.2 introduced restrictions for controlling the Mobile radio. To work around this, Wireless Minder requires root privileges for this feature on newer releases of Jelly Bean.

Plans are in the works for new features and improvements. Comments and suggestions are welcome! We try to support as many devices as possible but can't test them all. Send us your phone specifications and we will try to get it running right.

Wireless Minder is FREE and ad-supported. If you feel like donating, we need help with translations, artwork, or maybe a beer if you're ever in Austin TX :)


Please visit contact website below to send suggestions and bug reports.


Android 4.4 (KitKat) note: Google has confirmed a bug in the WiFi driver that causes it to not turn back on if WiFi is toggled a few times. This is known to affect the Nexus 4, 7 and 10, but not the Nexus 5. Other devices may be affected as well.


FitBit users: Adjust the setting "How long to look for Bluetooth devices" to 30 seconds. When opening the FitBit app, follow the instructions to enable Bluetooth. The extended time allows the FitBit dongle to sync. Thanks to Nick Fokas for testing this!


"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"

Looks like the JuiceDefender guys liked our ideas so much they've begun adding them. Spread the love and give us some props :)

What's New in the Latest Version 2.25

Last updated on Oct 23, 2016 2.25:
New setting "Mobile & WiFi detection" that automatically turns off Mobile when WiFi is connected.
New setting "How long to leave Mobile on" for Mobile data/radio management.

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