App to Search and Purchase Travel By Bus and Train X of X Traffic
App to search and buy a trip by bus and X-train at X-traffic (Region Gävleborg).
The app contains:
- Mobile ticket
- travel planner with real -time view
- Halling times with real -time view
- real -time map showing the position of the bus
- timetables that are downloadable
In the app you can buy a mobile ticket for short and long journeys. Secure payment is made by bank card or monthly invoice.
The travel planner helps you find the best travel option between A and B and informs about any deviations and remarks.
Exchange times show information about outgoing buses from the selected stop with deviations in real time.
Timetables in the app look just like paper schedules did. Mobitime reminds you when the validity period for a timetable is about to go out and updates automatically.
Real -time map shows the bus's position on a map. The service answers the classic question "Where is the bus?" And acts as a guide before and during the trip.
The app also provides traffic information when traveling outside the county. Use the Travel feature in another county, so you can search and buy a trip in large parts of Sweden - an app for 83% of Sweden.
The app is based on the mobile platform Mobitime®.
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